When I was first getting into nail polish, I saw a picture of
China Glaze - Dusk and it immediately went on my wishlist. I was so totally in love with it, just from pictures. But it's an older China Glaze for sure, and pretty hard to find. It's one of those polishes I had on my list that I never really thought I'd get my hands on, but oh man did I ever search for it. I've never even seen it on ebay. But then I found it on a blog sale so I was elated, then saw it was pending, rats! I took a chance and emailed the lady selling it, luckily her original buyer ended up changing their mind so I
finally got my hands on this beautiful, beautiful polish. Nail polish karma is real people! Whenever I have access to something someone is lemming, I help them get it...build that nail polish karma and your lemmings will find a way to you! Haha it's for real. Now that story time is over, would you like to see the pictures? ;-) There are a few extra, just a heads up.



You know how it feels when you finally find something you were looking for and then it doesn't live up to what you hoped? Well I totally
don't haha. This is even better than I thought it would be! Love love love love it. It's a smoky dark purple with this wonderful subtle shimmer in it. It's not too dark that it looks black inside, you always know it's purple, which is important for me - I hate when colors look black inside, makes me crazy. Thank you for listening to me ramble on and on about this, but I just can't help it!
What do you think of Dusk? Do you have any favorite older China Glaze colors?